Not the lad in question
Fun News

Hamptons 2020: $52 million houses, $112 lobster salad, and $100,000 gigolos

The Hamptons was all abuzz yesterday about a Twitter thread. Apparently, the mother of a 20 year old college student home in the Hamptons for the summer found $100,000 in his room. The son finally said that “in early April he struck up a conversation with a rich older woman at a local sandwich and seafood shop about how he had tested negative.” The older lady “paid for her large order in all $100s and then asked him if he needed to make some money for the summer–she and her friends were looking for a young man to help out–who was negative for Covid.”

Yep. According to the kid, he made the money the old-fashioned way, if you know what we mean. The parents were mortified and are giving the money to the police and never want to hear about it again. (Er, sorry?)

So do you believe his story?


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